Graphic Novel

The following text and images are part of a new Maggie Sansone project- Graphic Novel – the life and times of Leonard Sansone (A Graphic Novel) by Maggie Sansone.

About the video: Miami, Florida: I went to aunt Fran’s house ( Emily’s sister) after Fran died and I was helping clear out her garage and also looking for Uncle Harvey’s film.that may have been left there. I brought back what I found to showmy step father (Emily’s second husband: Norman Sokoloff) He had a 8 mm camera. I was interested in the Lenny and Emily wedding film from 1942. (you can see my Aunt Fran in the recessional leaving the  Rabbi’s study. She is waving and blowing a kiss to the camera man –That is how I know the filmmake was my Uncle Harvey).

So back at my mom and norm’s house we set up Norm’s 8mm camera. He and I proceeded to watch the film (it was marked as the wedding). We had no idea how fragile the film was (and the danger of the hot bulb inches away from the film as it rolled). In seconds the film caught fire before our eyes –the bulb was burning up the film! We screamed in horror…and pushed the camera down off its mount making a dangerous mess too. Too late. All the film and broken flash bulb bits fell over the floor – I was distraught!  and moaned about it for hours.

The next day. Norman announced he had looked through all the bits and pieces that landed on the floor and actually found 30 seconds of the wedding film!.It was a miracle.  I saved it. Years later  in 2014..a friend Mairi was in town and fixed it up (slowed down the film, added stills and piano music).